MapCache 1.14.1¶
- Author:
Thomas Bonfort
- Contact:
tbonfort at
- Author:
Jérome Boué
MapCache is a server that implements tile caching to speed up access to WMS layers. The primary objectives are to be fast and easily deployable, while offering the essential features (and more!) expected from a tile caching solution.
services WMS, WMTS, TMS, VirtualEarth/Bing and Google Maps requests: Supported Tile Services
ability to respond to untiled WMS requests by merging tiles from the cache or forwarding them to the WMS source: Tile Assembling
responds to WMS/WMTS GetFeatureInfo requests (forwarded to source service)
KML superoverlay generation
data provided by WMS backends (GDAL supported sources planned)
cache types:
configurable metatiling
on-the-fly tile merging for combining multiple tiles into a single image
image post-processing (recompression and quantization) when arriving from a backend
interprets and produces cache control headers: Last-Modified, If-Modified-Since, Expires
multithreaded seeding utility that can seed specific zoom levels or specific areas (e.g. seed levels 0 to 12 of all tiles intersecting Colorado)
ability to add a custom watermark on stored tiles
produces a CGI/FastCGI executable for use with webservers other than Apache
configurable symbolic linking of blank tiles to save disk space
configurable error reporting: plain HTTP error code, textual message, or empty (blank) image
ability to specify vendor parameters or dimensions to be forwarded to the WMS backend (and to build a cache that takes these parameters into account): Tileset Dimensions